Author: e-smartsolution


Aircrack-ng, penetration test

Aircrack-ng, penetration test
Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.


 aircrack-ng --help

  Aircrack-ng 1.6  - (C) 2006-2020 Thomas d'Otreppe

  usage: aircrack-ng [options] 

  Common options:

      -a  : force attack mode (1/WEP, 2/WPA-PSK)
      -e  : target selection: network identifier
      -b  : target selection: access point's MAC
      -p  : # of CPU to use  (default: all CPUs)
      -q         : enable quiet mode (no status output)
      -C   : merge the given APs to a virtual one
      -l   : write key to file. Overwrites file.

  Static WEP cracking options:

      -c         : search alpha-numeric characters only
      -t         : search binary coded decimal chr only
      -h         : search the numeric key for Fritz!BOX
      -d   : use masking of the key (A1:XX:CF:YY)
      -m  : MAC address to filter usable packets
      -n  : WEP key length :  64/128/152/256/512
      -i  : WEP key index (1 to 4), default: any
      -f  : bruteforce fudge factor,  default: 2
      -k  : disable one attack method  (1 to 17)
      -x or -x0  : disable bruteforce for last keybytes
      -x1        : last keybyte bruteforcing  (default)
      -x2        : enable last  2 keybytes bruteforcing
      -X         : disable  bruteforce   multithreading
      -y         : experimental  single bruteforce mode
      -K         : use only old KoreK attacks (pre-PTW)
      -s         : show the key in ASCII while cracking
      -M    : specify maximum number of IVs to use
      -D         : WEP decloak, skips broken keystreams
      -P    : PTW debug:  1: disable Klein, 2: PTW
      -1         : run only 1 try to crack key with PTW
      -V         : run in visual inspection mode

  WEP and WPA-PSK cracking options:

      -w  : path to wordlist(s) filename(s)
      -N   : path to new session filename
      -R   : path to existing session filename

  WPA-PSK options:

      -E   : create EWSA Project file v3
      -I    : PMKID string (hashcat -m 16800)
      -j   : create Hashcat v3.6+ file (HCCAPX)
      -J   : create Hashcat file (HCCAP)
      -S         : WPA cracking speed test
      -Z    : WPA cracking speed test length of
      -r     : path to airolib-ng database
                   (Cannot be used with -w)

  SIMD selection:

      --simd-list       : Show a list of the available
                          SIMD architectures, for this
      --simd=   : Use specific SIMD architecture.

 may be one of the following, depending on
      your platform:


  Other options:

      -u         : Displays # of CPUs & SIMD support
      --help     : Displays this usage screen

All 404 redirect by .htaccess and PHP

All 404 redirect by .htaccess and PHP

1- Edit or create the file ..htaccess:

ErrorDocument 404 /404.php


2- Create the file php 404.php

//on .htacessErrorDocument 404 /404.php




Make Fancybox appear on top of the page

Make Fancybox appear on top of the page
When setup a link to an image using fancybox but when the user clicks on the thumbnail the fancybox box won’t appears on the top all your content. Like you can see on the next image:

An easy and quick solution for that is setup the z-index of fancybox container


Now us result that your image should appear on the top of everything:
FancyBox on the top of everything

WP, how to add your custom post type by code

WP, how to add your custom post type by code

“WordPress can hold and display many different types of content. A single item of such a content is generally called a post, although post is also a specific post type. The table of that contains the posts is “wp_posts” the database that is normally MySQL.”
The default posts types on WordPress are:

  1. Post (Post Type: ‘post’)
  2. Page (Post Type: ‘page’)
  3. Attachment (Post Type: ‘attachment’)
  4. Revision (Post Type: ‘revision’)
  5. Navigation Menu (Post Type: ‘nav_menu_item’)
  6. Custom CSS (Post Type: ‘custom_css’)
  7. Changesets (Post Type: ‘customize_changeset’)
  8. User Data Request (Post Type: ‘user_request’ )
  9. Custom Post Types

The custom Post Types are the new post types. We are going to create a post types “Testimonials”, to do so we will to add
a custom post type to WordPress via the register_post_type() function and this allows us to define a new post type by its labels, supported features, availability and other specifics.

Note that you must call register_post_type() before the admin_menu and after the after_setup_theme action hooks. A good hook to use is the init hook.

1- Create the post type function

function create_post_type() {
  register_post_type( 'esm_testimonials',
      'labels' => array(
        'name' => __( 'Testimonials' ),
        'singular_name' => __( 'Testimonial' )
      'public' => true,
      'has_archive' => true,
add_action( 'init', 'create_post_type' );
2- Add the above function to your WP
Navigate to WordPress(WP), rootDirectory/wp-content/themes/your-theme/functions.php
wp custom post type


3- Check for our Custom post type, on WP admin

We should see on WordPress,, our custom post type added. “Testimonials”

4- Optional, add existing category to a Custom post type
The custom post type is created successfully, we want to add an existing category called “Testimonial” our brand new custom type.
// I- Add existing taxonomies to post type testimonials
add_action( ‘init’, ‘wp_add_taxonomies_to_testimonials’ );
function wp_add_taxonomies_to_testimonials() {
register_taxonomy_for_object_type( ‘category’, ‘testimonial’ );
register_taxonomy_for_object_type( ‘post_tag’, ‘testimonial’ );

// II. Make Testimonial posts show up in archive pages
add_filter( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘wptestimonial_add_custom_post_types_to_query’ );
function wptestimonial_add_custom_post_types_to_query( $query ) {
is_archive() &&
$query->is_main_query() &&
empty( $query->query_vars[‘suppress_filters’] )
) {
$query->set( ‘post_type’, array(
) );

Free IMEI blacklist checker

Free IMEI blacklist checker

If you need Phone INFO ★Samsung★ like the IMEI
Enter your IMEI number to check the Blacklist

IMEI number appears on the screen of the device by dialing *#06# just like a phone number.

Thanks to you can check if your device is not blacklisted in: Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, central Europe and many more.
All models are supported like: iPhone, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, LG, Huawei and more

Before you give away your device or sale, restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to factory settings

Before you give away your device or sale, restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to factory settings

If are thinking to sale or give away your iPhone, iPad, iPod from Appple you must restore it to factory settings.

A factory restore erases the information and settings on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod and installs the latest version of iOS or iPod software.

Option 1 Restore your device to factory settings from Mac or PC

Open iTunes on your Mac or PC. If you can’t access a computer and your device still works, you can erase and restore your device without a computer.
Connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to your computer with the cable that came with your device.
If a message asks for your device passcode or to Trust This Computer, follow the onscreen steps. If you forgot your passcode, get help.
Select your iPhone, iPad, or iPod when it appears in iTunes. For an unresponsive device or one that won’t turn on, learn what to do. Or get help if your device doesn’t appear in iTunes.

Option 2 Restore your iPhone or iPad

  1. To reset your iPhone or iPad go to Settings > General > Reset and then select Erase All Content and Settings.
      • > General

        iphone 8, setting general


      • Reset and then select Erase All Content and Settings.Erase All Content and Settings
      • Just, click “Erase Now”Just, click "Erase Now"
  2. After typing in your passcode if you’ve set one, you’ll get a warning box appear, with the option to Erase iPhone (or iPad) in red. Tap this.
  3. You’ll need to enter your Apple ID password to confirm the action, then the iPad or iPhone will wipe everything off its storage and go back to the initial setup screen you saw when you first used the device.
  4. You can also fully reset your iPhone or iPad through iTunes. When you plug in your iOS device, you should be able to see a ‘Restore iPhone’ button, which will fully reset the device.

By selling or buying second hand devices you are contributing to health of the environment

How Are Web Apps Only Getting Better In 2018?

How Are Web Apps Only Getting Better In 2018?

Application development is a constantly growing market in which trends appear and disappear.

Corporate accounts use mobile apps to enhance their brand, customer engagement and marketing strategy. Followed closely by small and medium businesses that no longer hesitate to create their own native mobile apps.


Web applications from myriad app development companies, are now an integral part of our daily lives and have become indispensable. Turning off the alarm clock, checking out his WhatsApp account, Instagram and Facebook, are the first things we do when starting the day. It’s a rapidly evolving industry where growing companies are increasingly looking to build applications to help them grow their revenues while trying to meet customer demands through this same channel.


How are web applications improving in 2018?


New techniques making apps more attractive to users have appeared with the new year. Here are bome of these applications and their evolutionary trend for this year 2018.


The Internet of Things


Everything becomes interactive. The phenomenon of the Internet of Things (IoT) is booming and, of course, comes to the world of mobile applications: applications interact directly with our lives.

Do you know what a blockchain is? In case your answer is negative, you should know that because of the phenomenon of IoT, it becomes extremely important to be able to manage it via advanced technology. We need to be able to know how to manage smart devices, because IoT apps will become progressively more attractive apps in 2018. And, despite the fact that the Internet of Things might take longer than expected to get started, what if we know from a reliable source that he is here to stay.


Apple applications for example, are already exploited and will continue to grow. Add to that, Google has launched Android Things to accelerate the adoption of IoT in the face of the reputation of its competitor. Therefore, in the face of increased demand for the Internet of Things, applications


Designed for smart devices other than smartphones will be needed and developers will need to continue to innovate to meet different needs.


The general trend of mobile applications is directly affected, since IoT devices are controlled by smartphones.


AMP Project


We are always looking for more speed. The experience of the user when navigating a web page is essential if you want him to come back.

But, on the other hand, we are confronted with this data: 75% of mobile web pages take more than 75 seconds to load, which causes 35% of users to leave the site if the page has not been loaded less of 3 seconds. Faced with this situation, the AMP project appears, an open source initiative launched by Google. The project allows the creation of websites and advertisements that load faster, have an attractive design and run on devices and distribution platforms. There are three formats: HTML, JS and AMP cache. This type of technology will surely be the protagonist within the interesting apps of the year. It will also help publishers improve the visibility of their ads and increase the number of visitors.


Interesting apps to make payments from your smartphone


As mentioned in our last article, the payment by telephone will be a daily and usual gesture in 2018.


The frequent use of the smartphone, with almost all our purchases, will allow the increase of the phenomenon of the m-commerce. At the same time, it will allow us to buy products and services through the use of mobile devices such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet, etc.


For this, it will be necessary to develop more tools and more interesting applications that would improve the development of mobile commerce.


Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality


Last year, the phenomena of augmented reality and virtual reality were two types of modern technologies, new and current.


We have already talked a lot about this phenomenon, but what about 2018? It must be noted that progress and change are the basis for being able to talk about technology.


The consumer is always in need of security and, above all, he must be emotionally involved, which is why the target market for these technologies is changing. In other words, when we talk about augmented reality, it will be retail and health care. Meanwhile, games and events will be the focal point of virtual reality.




Chatbots are programs with artificial intelligence that can interact with humans. The real-time chat system thus becomes the main tool for establishing a relationship with the customer in a short time and offering effective results.


As a result, it will be much easier to talk to companies and quickly ask for the necessary information.


One of the objectives of 2018 is to develop an automatic system that will identify, according to the question of the interlocutor, the language and the correct answer. Of course, to achieve this, constant adaptation will be necessary.


This will be one of the best applications that will bring many new features and changes in 2018.


On-demand applications


The most interesting applications, and most popular applications are used to place orders. They make our lives easier and can be used almost anywhere, anytime.


Among the advantages offered by this type of application are: home food delivery, comfort offered, offers and promotions that we can find on this kind of shipping platforms, taxi services, payments, etc.


Apps on the cloud


Another type of very interesting applications will be those with cloud technology. This year, clouding will be present as a development strategy.

These apps have many advantages, of which we will find three:


  • Reduced accommodation and equipment costs.
  • Improved storage capacity of applications.
  • Better cooperation and productivity.


These types of applications are useful because they are easy to use and also because they do not use the phone’s internal memory. That’s what happens in the case of Dropbox and Google Drive.


These are some of the interesting apps that will develop in 2018, because of the amount of data we produce and store.


The values ​​of an application


You still have a lot of doubts about smartphone security. It’s also a concern for application developers. Therefore, this year’s goal will be to try to develop applications with a specific language that will address the concerns of this type of users.


Applications with built-in security features can clearly stand out as an application. It is for this reason that we will provide attractive UX (user experiences) with better security settings.


With this new programming language, we will begin to see safer applications on the market.


The instant Android apps


Almost all the changes that occur in the Android application development world and in any web development company, bring an improvement to the consumer experience.


In this case, the instant applications are intended to increase the comfort of the user when using the application, avoiding the installation of the latter in the phone. Thanks to the website, with one click, you can enjoy all the benefits of the application without having to download unwanted applications and thus save space on your phone.


Slow loading time


What are we waiting for more / others for this year 2018? Improved slow loading times. Images that take too long to load cause the disinterest of the user who decides not to view the article in its entirety. No user wants too much time when loading a page.


As a result, the rebound rate increases and the conversion rates decrease. To avoid this, we will implement what is called the deferred charge.


How does it work? The images will only be loaded when it is “their turn” on the page visited, so as not to overload the page.


In conclusion, the purpose of these interesting apps in this year 2018, will be you. The goal will be to improve your experience in the world of application development so that they can help you better manage your business.

Junaid Ali Qureshi

Junaid Ali Qureshi

is a digital marketing specialist who has helped several businesses gain traffic, outperform competition and generate profitable leads. His current ventures include Progostech,, Smart, Progos Tech and eCig.


What does iCloud locked mean, for Apple?

What does iCloud locked mean, for Apple?

The disadvantage is that without the AppleID and passcode used to originally setup the iPhone, you will not be able to activate it. You will not be able to complete the setup process. You will have an unusable iPhone.

Apple find My iPhone
Find My iPhone includes Activation Lock—a feature that’s designed to prevent anyone else from using your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch if it’s ever lost or stolen. Activation Lock is enabled automatically when you turn on Find My iPhone.

Before you give away your device or sale

Make sure that you turn off Find My iPhone on your device before you give it away or send it in for repair. Otherwise, your device is locked and anyone that you give the device to can’t use it normally and Apple technicians can’t perform service repairs. Just sign out of iCloud and then erase all content and settings. This completely erases your device, removes it from your Apple ID, and turns off Find My iPhone.

4 Incredible Ways Social Media Can Impact SEO Both Directly And Indirectly

4 Incredible Ways Social Media Can Impact SEO Both Directly And Indirectly

The question of whether social media marketing affects the search engine optimization results has always left people in the industry polarized. With Google themselves saying that social media efforts do not affect the search engine optimization ranking, many have accepted that as the truth. However, there are still many ways that your social media campaign can boost your search engine optimization results and we will get in to those ways in this article to better educate users on why they should not even think of giving up on social media efforts.

Sharing on social media increases the traffic to your website

Posting a link of great content on social media will bring about shares and likes, generating engagement in the content piece. It is also a great way to get anyone browsing their social media pages to move on to and discover your business site. When you interact with these potential customers on social media site, you help ensure that your firm is on their minds. As any magento development company will point out, this will increase the traffic to your website, helping your organic search ranking which makes you look better in the eyes of the SEO algorithm.

Social media profiles show up in search results

Just search a company on Google, maybe a magento website development company. Among the search results, there is a good chance you will find links to the social media profiles of that particular company. If you can do the same and put all your social media profiles and your company site on the search results, you gain valuable screen space which has the added benefit of pushing out any competitor sites too. To do this, maintain an active social media presence and interact closely with your customers.

It is easier to get external links using social media

Anyone in the business of digital marketing knows that having external links, especially from reputed companies is an important aspect of ranking a website higher on Google. When you use social media sites to share your contents, there is a higher chance that another company or page will take that link and include it in their own content, linking back to you. To do this, ensure that you are posting content of high quality on your social media sites. This increases the chances of a person reading it and sharing it with someone they know.

Causes a greater awareness of your company and its products or services

Almost two billion people use Facebook on a monthly basis while around three hundred million make use of twitter. Just these two stats show that there is plenty of potential and market that you can use to advertise your company and its products. When you make use of social media marketing, it increases awareness about your company and might push some people to search you up and check up your website which can in turn help your SEO ranking and cause an increase in the traffic to your website.

Junaid Ali Qureshi

is leader/representative/frontrunner of an expert magento development team and an experienced digital marketing specialist dedicated to develop intuitive, well crafted, smart websites having blistering opening on search engine(s) making time and money worthwhile. His current ventures include , Progostech, Elephantation, eLabelz, Smart, Progos Tech and eCig.

Social Media Management Tools

Social Media Management Tools

Social Media is one of the most effective mediums for businesses to connect with their audiences and drive their sales through lead generation. It has become pertinent for every company to have a strong presence across multiple social media platforms to be able to connect with the customers quickly and efficiently. But with the target customer base fragmented over numerous social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Google+, it has become essential for companies to manage their social media effectively and use latest & innovative SEO techniques to derive maximum returns. In order to rank their social media platforms on Google and promote the business, they need to hire magento developer from any magento development services company. These developers develop different amazing tools those will help thrive the business.

Let’s have a look at the various reasons that make social media management tools indispensable in present times: –



  • Manage multiple accounts


With target customer bases spread across various social media networks, it has become necessary for businesses to cater to them individually. This requires mastering different user interface, algorithms and updates. Social media management tools make sure that this process is handled efficiently and enables you to manage your multiple accounts from a single console, customized for your business requirements.



  • Keep track of messages


It is crucial for businesses to keep track of the messages from the customers and reply to them instantly. Otherwise, it could result in significant losses. In such a situation it becomes necessary to have a social media management tool that makes sure that you never miss any messages from the customers.



  • Schedule your posts


Social media management tools make it possible for you to plan your social media strategy in ahead. You need not go and make an individual post on every social media platform, you can simply program it in the respective tool, and your post would go live as per schedule.



  • Keyword Monitoring


Social media has provided businesses with access to huge amounts of data in the form of customer opinions, feedback, competitor strategies etc. which were not available earlier. Social Media management tools help you organize your search for such relevant information and enables you to access crucial customer information quickly.



  • Consistency and Uniformity


It is necessary for every business to send out a uniform and consistent message to the customers across multiple platforms. With social media platforms, you can monitor your various accounts from one place, this helps you bring uniformity and consistency in your customer targeting efforts.


With rising popularity of social media, it has become essential for companies to efficiently manage their social media customers outreach. This is where social media management tools come into the picture by enhancing the efficiency of the social media strategy of a company.

Junaid Ali Qureshi

is leader/representative/frontrunner of an expert magento development team and an experienced digital marketing specialist dedicated to develop intuitive, well crafted, smart websites having blistering opening on search engine(s) making time and money worthwhile. His current ventures include, Elephantation, eLabelz, Smart, Progos Tech and eCig.