IT services for home users,Cambridge, UK

IT services for home users in Cambridge, UK

      • Operating system installs and re-installs.
      • Wifi configuration and protections.
      • Upgrades (memory, graphics card, replacement Hard Drive etc)
      • IT tuition and advice
      • Anti-virus issues resolved.
      • Data recovery.
      • HLAN(Home Local Area Network) We can share your files and printers with wired or secure wireless networking.
      • PAN, we can help solving any issue you have connecting any two devices.
      • Home Links We can help you connect to your home so you can work.
      • Virus and Spyware Removal. We remove viruses and spyware making your PC faster
        and more secure.
      • Data Transfer and Recovery We can recover your data from hard disk crashes and transfer to PC, USB, Disk or DVD.

*Prices range from as little as £90, contact us if you need  more information 07147449615