Tag: mysql


How to install apache-tomcat,InforMEA OData provider on Windows 10

How to install apache-tomcat, InforMEA OData provider on Windows 10

Java 1.7 (not tested with 1.8)
Apache Tomcat 7.x
Hardware requirements: The minimum hardware requirements are specific to Java & Apache Tomcat hosting the toolkit, in terms of RAM allocated to the Java VM we recommend 512 MB but that depends on the dataset size and might need tweaking.
Sofware requirements: No specific requirements, we recommend CentOS Linux. Please consult the Java requirements above.

1- Install Tomcat – The current version at date of 08/10/2020 is the version 9.0 and it will install on

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0
\webapps –> is the directory use as documentroot

Is better to change on windows services to “Apache Tomcat 9.0.38 Server” to run manually that will help to stop/restart it when you are installing the API..
Apache Tomcat 9.0.38 Server

2- Download the last release version Informea API on Github(version used is informea-2.4.5.war)
And this WAR file and copy it to Tomcat webapps, and restart the Tomcat, and it should it the informea api

To check it

http://localhost:8090 is tomcat is working( in our case, installed informea)

2.1 Configuration of Mysql and database:
You will to change:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\informea245\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF

http://localhost:8090/informa245 — My installation

InforMEA OData toolkit

OJS is Open Journal Systems

OJS is Open Journal Systems,
PKP(Public Knowledge Project) is a multi-university initiative developing (free) open source software and conducting research to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publishing.

Open Journal Systems

How to setup your own journal with PKP? – hosted version recommended

Step 1 – Download the OJS by PK on their official website – They accept donation that could be useful to encourage them to keep maintaining and developping such as free well-know piece of software.
If you want to install OJS on your server or local machine for testing and learning propose. Open Journal Systems can be used on a web server that is serving other functions, and requires very little in the way of system requirements.
On the date of 11 of September 2020, the current version of OJS is the version 3:

System Requirements to install OJS 3
To run the latest release of OJS 3.x, your web server will need:
PHP 7.2 or later with MySQL, MariaDB, or PostgreSQL support
A database server: MySQL/MariaDB 4.1 or later OR PostgreSQL 9.1.5 or later
UNIX-like OS recommended (such as Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, etc.)

Download now Current Production Release (June 26, 2020) of OJS 3

How to reset password in WordPress via phpMyadmin

How to reset password in WordPress via phpMyadmin

You can recover password in WordPress by e-mail. Now click on Lost your password? Type your username or email address and then click on Get New Password.
In the case if you also forgot your email, basically you don’t no information, us last resource to recover your user and password is by accessing the database.

1- Go to PHPMyAdmin.

You will need to access your PHPMyadmin con control panel, and go Now select table prefix_users, usually wp_users

2- Once on phpMyadmin, you can find out your email linked to your account.

You can go back the login page on wordpress to recover your password using this email linked to the username.

3- Reset the password directly on the database, mysql.

You prefer to reset the password directly on the database, to do so, you will need to encrypt your password using the MD5 encryption that is used by WordPress.

Click on the https://e-smartsolution.co.uk/encrypt/ and enter your password en click encrypt. Copy the encrypt password en paste on column that says, “users_pass” on phpMyadmin.