Category: Windows 7


Solution of VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system

Solution of VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system

solution of VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system

“VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system. Certain guests (e.g. OS/2 and QNX) require this feature and will fail to boot without it.”

The solution of that could be enabling the virtualisation option from the Bios, the next image is example of enabling the virtualisation on HP laptop.

[table id=12 /]


Where Microsoft Windows 10 failed, Ubuntu offers solutions

Where Microsoft Windows 10 failed, Ubuntu offers solutions

Real situation:
A customer laptop stopped working, because the SSD(Solid State Drive) was having some issues.

After removed the SSD from the laptop and installed it on external SATA reader as you can see on the next image 1


Image 1. SSD installed on Sata external


Microsoft Windows failed

Image 2. Error, failed. Windows 10

Solution 1:
Tried to read and format the SSD using Microsoft Windows 10
Windows 10 failed
The following drives contain an unrecognised configuration and can’t be used with Storage Spaces.
Reset the drive to make them usable. If the drives continues to be unrecognised, you might need to replace them as you can see on the next image 2


Solution 2:
Tried to read and format the SSD using Ubuntu:

Ubuntu recognised the SSD and formatted it
Ubuntu success read and format

When the end-users have an issue, do not care about what operation system is better or more popular than another, and so.
They have a problem and they want a solution.
Today,16-06-2017, Windows 10 vs Ubuntu the score is 0 – 1


Free football is free malware

Free streams is free virus

Anti-malware detected 4070 threats!

Free football is free malware.
Nowadays, is not a secret: “Nothing is free”.
Do you want to watch the top matches of football online, like Premier league, La liga, champions league and etc. without paying, so you decide to access free streams, that means you are puting your device and personal privacy at risk, you will receive free virus.
Could you check the next picture, that is the laptop used to watch t access free streams and download top movies Hollywood movies:

More than 4000 threats were detected in that laptop after less than one month. Using two differents programs to scan the same laptop, SpyHunter has detected 4663 threats and Anti-malware has detected 4060. Is too much threats, it was normal that laptop Intel core i3 with 4 GB of memory RAM was slow than intel Pentium with 256 RAM.


Spyhunter detected 4663 threats!

Football fans who access free streams of top matches are putting their devices, and personal privacy, at great risk.

If you decide to access the free streams or download movie:It is illegal. The risk to your device getting infected is very high, so at end of the day if you do not know how to remove the malware, you will pay someone else to it, if you are lucky the problem is only about malware. Otherwise the malware would have got your personal detail and that is depend how they will use that information.
Remember, nothing is free!