Category: webmasters tools


Dns Propagation Check

Dns Propagation Check

Dns Propagation Check will check the propagation of DNS records across your servers for the selected DNS record type. You can use this tool to see if your records have propagated across all your servers, as well as identify possible DNS issues.
DNS tools

Command Explanation
a: DNS A record IP address for host name
mx: DNS MX records for domain
cname: DNS canonical host name to IP address
ptr: DNS PTR record for host name
spf: Check SPF records on a domain
txt: Check TXT records on a domain
soa: Get Start of Authority record for a domain

WP, woocommerce stripe testing mode

WP, wooCommerce stripe testing mode

How to test payment gateway on WordPress?
Configured, tested and working on ukgoodbye, second life for stuff’ s website
Stripe works by adding payment fields on the checkout and then sending the details to Stripe for verification


2- Obtaining your API keys

Your API keys are always available in the Dashboard. For your convenience, your test API keys for are:
Key Value

Stripe automatically populates code examples in our documentation with your test API keys while you are logged in—only you can see these values.

Use only your test API keys for testing and development. This ensures that you don’t accidentally modify your live customers or charges.UKgoodbye stripe payment

3- Pay in test mod

Pay with your credit card via Stripe. TEST MODE ENABLED. In test mode, you can use the card number 4242424242424242 with any CVC and a valid expiration date or check the Testing Stripe documentation for more card numbers.

Us you see on the next image:


Test card numbers

Genuine card information cannot be used in test mode. Instead, use any of the following test card numbers, a valid expiration date in the future, and any random CVC number, to create a successful payment.

Number Brand
4242424242424242 Visa
4000056655665556 Visa (debit)
5555555555554444 Mastercard
2223003122003222 Mastercard (2-series)
5200828282828210 Mastercard (debit)
5105105105105100 Mastercard (prepaid)
378282246310005 American Express
371449635398431 American Express
6011111111111117 Discover
6011000990139424 Discover
30569309025904 Diners Club
38520000023237 Diners Club
3566002020360505 JCB
6200000000000005 UnionPay
Token Brand
tok_visa Visa
tok_visa_debit Visa (debit)
tok_mastercard Mastercard
tok_mastercard_debit Mastercard (debit)
tok_mastercard_prepaid Mastercard (prepaid)
tok_amex American Express
tok_discover Discover
tok_diners Diners Club
tok_jcb JCB
tok_unionpay UnionPay
Payment Method Brand
pm_card_visa Visa
pm_card_visa_debit Visa (debit)
pm_card_mastercard Mastercard
pm_card_mastercard_debit Mastercard (debit)
pm_card_mastercard_prepaid Mastercard (prepaid)
pm_card_amex American Express
pm_card_discover Discover
pm_card_diners Diners Club
pm_card_jcb JCB
pm_card_unionpay UnionPay

Each test card’s billing country is set to U.S. If you need to create test card payments using cards for other billing countries, use our international test cards.

We recommend using our test IDs when testing your integration and creating charges, instead of passing card information directly to the API. Using these test IDs in place of card numbers helps ensure your production integration is developed in a PCI compliant manner and is not going to handle card information directly. Each test ID is human-readable and represents card information that has been tokenized with our client-side libraries (e.g., Stripe Elements, Stripe.js).

Google API manager

Google API manager

Creating an API for a Reverse Geocoding With Google Map API And PHP!

After created an API key, when I trying to test it, I have received the next message:,-73.961452&key=AIzaSyDWpVDQyIieftj5WOKekltjoDx3z8rnowY


“error_message” : “This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key. Request received from IP address, with empty referer”,
“results” : [],
“status” : “REQUEST_DENIED”

google api reverse enconding

Editiing/creating a Credential for a Browser API key

Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (websites) (Optional)
Use asterisks for wildcards. If you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any referrer.
Be sure to add referrers before using this key in production.



Once I click to save, I have received the next message:

Sorry, there’s a problem. If you have entered information, check it and try again.
Otherwise, the problem might clear up on its own, so check back later.

Google saving a credential

Using the console for developers by Google